Coping With Spam Filters by Laurie Rogers
Coping With Spam Filters
by Laurie Rogers Copyright July 2002
If you haven't yet heard about the chaos that Spam Filters
are currently causing for publishers, then I am about to tell
you EVERYTHING you'll need to know on this subject. Many
of our fellow publishers disregard the fact that Spam Filters
DO in fact exist. For some reason just do NOT want to face
the fact that, they are DESTROYING their businesses.
I write a column on Spam for DEMC small business ezine, so
I do consider myself to be well educated on this subject. If
you have any questions about what I am about to tell you,
feel free to contact me at:
Now let's begin.
Spam Filters are EVERYWHERE online whether we like it or
not they are. And they are becoming more dominant in all
aspects of the internet, through ISP's, webhosts and the
chances are, one person in three is using some type of a
filtering device. They are inexpensive to purchase and so
it makes it fairly EASY for the average "Joe" to buy one.
And chances are that your ISP or web host probably uses
them and you are NOT even aware of it. Personally, I do
advise that you contact them to ask them about it and
ask them to REMOVE them from your account immediately.
Now, here is why I suggest that you do this, Spam Filters
are NOT 100% fool proof, in fact they have a tendency to
block out your LEGITIMATE email. Anyone who tells YOU
otherwise is in some serious DENIAL.
I've personally taken the time to test almost EVERY Spam
Filtering program that there is currently available online.
And what I saw was absolutely mortifying to say the least.
I ran over 100 different types of emails and newsletters all
through each system and 9 times out of ten, it resulted in
being marked as spam. Needless to say, by the end of the
day I was NOT impressed with my discovery.
Most of these programs are designed to target newsletters
specifically, because they have the words "subscribe" and
"unsubscribe" black marked. Meaning, that any peices of
email that contain those two words are "marked" as being
"SPAM". This is especially predominant in Spam Killer which
is now owned by McAfee. They also LURE publishers into
what they refer to as being "Spam Traps" (which they do
openly admit -right on their web site), so they can create
more filters DAILY based on ezine/email content. And YES,
I did say DAILY!
Now that I've probably scared the wits out of you, here
are a few things that you can do and they will require a
bit of added work on your part.
1.) Make your ezine available in 3 different forms, if it at
all possible. Email it directly to your subscribers, put it on
an autoresponder and make it available online. My good
friend jL Scott (owner of iCop) does this and it covers all
of the bases to ENSURE your readers get your ezine. It'll
also give you an idea of HOW many people actually read
your ezine.
2.) Ask your readers, IF they have had ANY problems in
receiving your ezine. If they have, start keeping a log of
these instances, if your ezine has been marked as being
spam through their email client ask them for a copy of it
for your records. You MAY want to TRY contacting their
ISP and try talking to them about it, ensure that YOU
maintain your "professionalism" in doing so, as this could
create problems for your subscriber. Advise ALL of your
subscribers to contact their ISP's and ask them if they
are in fact using filters on their email.
3.) Keep financial loss records that you've encountered
because of Spam Filters. And remember everything is of
a monetary value including your ezine.
Although there is no fool proof method of avoiding Spam
Filters, there is currently a pending law suit against the
creators of these programs. So if you do have a case or
have proof that you have been filtered, falsely accused
etc. I recommend that you go and file a report asap at:
Article by Laurie Rogers Copyright 2002 All Rights Reserved
About the Author
Laurie Rogers is co-author of the Ezine Resource Guide, She is the owner of Optin
Frenzy - a paid list building program for ezine publishers You can obtain more of Laurie's
articles at: