Wednesday, June 08, 2005

Good Spam or Bad Spam...What is the Difference? by Sara Hardy

Are you Good Spam or Bad Spam?
This is the question I find echoing in my head sometimes when I am going through my email, as if it is part of some electronic Wizard of Oz. Have you ever given any thought to the fact that there really is a difference in spam? Not that I am defending anyone, but let me make my point and then you can decide for yourself.

Spam is such a hot issue and no one knows the "right" view of spam that fits everyone.
You either:
- will take all measures to prevent people from sending it to you
- don't mind it at all and happily delete, delete, delete every day
- OR hate it sometimes and ignore it other times.

I think I fall in the last category, which is what started me thinking about good and bad spam. My point of view has now developed into this:

BAD Spam-
It is bad spam when you reply to it to be removed and it is returned to you because the address is made up. It is bad spam when the removal link does not open a real url. It is bad spam when you paste the message source into Spam Cop and the info you get back before clicking the "Send spam report" shows tons of dead ends and made up domains, etc.

This means that this "Cowardly Lion" harvested your address, and went to great lengths to cover their tracks in order not to get caught sending spam.

GOOD Spam-
It is good spam when there is an actual person on the other end, apologizing for inconveniencing you. What made it good spam? Because here is spam that you most likely will not get again, because it is more legit then the bad spam. These people are not out to break any rules, upset anyone, or ruin your day. 9 times out of 10 they really don't know any better and will learn, very quickly I might add.

Also, keep in mind that the Scarecrow in us does not ALWAYS remember every email we sign up for. It is possible to have signed up for something and a week later be flipping out because you are getting email from some unknown. If we only had a brain sometimes (Speaking for myself, of course).

It is also highly possible that someone is having fun subscribing you to things. Never count that one out, it happens all of the time.

Personally, I would much rather get good spam. Bad spam demonstrates that the sender KNOWS what is not acceptable and went to all of this trouble and expense to hide behind this long trail of fake addresses. That they took the time to do that is malicious, in my way of thinking. Do they really think that what they are trying to sell in this manner is actually worth it? These are the people we should be upset with. These are the people that we need to be telling, "I'll get you my pretty, and your little server too!"

So, whether you agree or disagree, just try to keep in mind that
1. The whole world is not out to get you.
2. Not every piece of spam is sent with the same intent. And...
3. As the world around us continues to change, we will be seeing more and more companies resorting to sending their junk mail through email rather then the post office. (I think this is becoming a more desirable thing to us all, as it would be much safer.)

Now is the time to try to adjust our view and approach the issue with a level head. If we don't we will drive ourselves mad, and for what purpose?
The changes in our world cause the internet to change. Soon you probably will find yourself saying, "I don't think we're in Kansas anymore".
About the Author
Written by Sara Hardy
Owner of MarketingTrendz, and Publisher of
The OnLine Exchange Ezine.
To subscribe to her ezine goto:
This will automatically make you a member of The Profit Zone,
a FREE Members Only Club that gives you unlimited access
to FREE marketing tools, ebooks, resources and more!

Don't Be A Spam Artist! by Terri Seymour

One of the hottest discussion topics going around the web these
days is Spam. Spam is different things to different people, but
basically it is sending email advertisements to anyone who did
not request them or give permission to send them.

I do not consider an email from an acquaintance telling me
something they think might interest me- spam. I do not consider
people telling me about their business and asking for
advice-spam. I do not consider advertisements from companies I
have asked about-spam. I do not consider an invitation from a
publisher to join their opt-in list-spam. However, these
invitations should not be sent out in mass mailings.

There are, however, many things that I do consider to be spam.
Unfortunately, when I first started on the Internet, I was
guilty of spam once or twice. It does not necessarily make me a
bad person, just an uninformed one. Now that I know what is
considered to be spam and what is not, I would never in any way,
shape or form become a Spam Artist!

These are some things to avoid doing:

* Sending your ad to any email you come across - SPAM! Do NOT
send your ad to anyone unless they have asked for information,
or if they have joined your opt-in list.

* Joining every discussion and announcement list you can find
and sending your ad every few hours - SPAM! When you join these
email lists, they will send you an email with their guidelines
for posting. Please read and follow these guidelines carefully.

* Subscribing to an ezine and then replying to the ezine with
your ad - SPAM! This is one way to get yourself removed from a
lot of good lists. If you receive an ezine, do not reply with
one of your ads.

* Buying email address lists and blasting your ad-SPAM! Most of
the people on these lists probably do not even know they are on
them. Therefore, you do not have their permission to send your

* Adding people to your opt-in list without their permission -
SPAM! Inviting people to join your list is one thing, but adding
them without permission is a definite NO-NO.

* Visit every board you can, leave an ad and never come back -
SPAM! Message boards have specific rules for posting and are
usually for people to discuss and learn from each other, not for
posting ads.

If you are unsure as to whether something is spam or not, visit
some boards and ask other more experienced netpreneurs. It is
better to be sure than to be accused of spam. Join some
discussion lists also, to learn more about spam and what you
should or should not do.

Message Boards: alk.cgi

Discussion Groups:

Visit these sites for more information on what spam is, what to
do about it and how to avoid it:

Be cautious of the way you conduct your business. Some people
are tolerant of spam (if you are not a repeat or offensive
spammer) and will just hit the delete button, but some will
report anything they think is spam.

Do some research on spam and how not to become a Spam Artist!

About the Author
Terri Seymour owns and operates is a website, ezine and service which
provides the resources, tools, guidance and more to help
you start, publish and promote your own ezine. You can
contact Terri at Subscribe
at or visit for lots more info.