Tuesday, May 31, 2005

Is Your Ezine Being Zapped? by Michael Southon

About a year ago I wrote an article titled 'Winning The War On
Sp^m'. Unfortunately, the war on sp^m is not being won at all.

In fact, the problem is now so serious that sp^am is shaping up
to be the greatest threat to online marketing.

The threat comes not from sp^mmers themselves, but from the
filters that are being used to block them.

These filters are hitting hard at the very core of ecommerce -
Ezine Publishing.

Anti-sp^m filters operate at two levels: (i) client-side
programs that reside on individual computers and (ii)
server-side programs that ISPs are using to block incoming sp^m.

The problem is that the filters are now so sensitive they are
blocking even the most innocent of Newsletters.

For example, if your Newsletter contains the words 'remove',
'unsubscribe' or 'click here' it will trigger anti-sp^m filters
in many of the programs that are now being used by ISPs.

The result?

Your Ezine is zapped, deleted - and a large percentage of your
subscribers will think you have stopped publishing your

What can you do about it?

Here are some tips to avoid sp^m filters:

(1) Post your Newsletter online and then email your subscribers
to tell them that the latest issue is now available online.

(2) In your Newsletter carefully avoid (both in the subject line
and the body text) all words that are likely to trigger
anti-sp^m filters. Use the free service listed at the end of
this article - it will flag any words in your Newsletter that
trigger anti-sp^m filters.

(3) Instead of saying 'to unsubscribe' (which is a phrase
commonly found in sp^m), say 'If you no longer wish to
receive...' or 'If you wish to leave this mailing list...' or
'To take yourself off this list...'

(4) If there are trigger words that you simply cannot avoid, you
can disguise them using carets (^) or other symbols. The 'F'
word would become fr^e and the 'U' word would become

(5) Include the word 'Newsletter' in the subject line of your
email - this will help the filters identify your email as

(6) Avoid whole words in upper case. In many Newsletters the
headers are capitalized - this will trigger the filters.

(7) If your Newsletter contains ads, scrutinize them carefully -
ezine ads, by definition, contain words frequently used by

Here is a fr^e service that will help you avoid sp^m filters.
Before you mail out your Newsletter, just send a copy of it to
the email address below with TEST in the subject line:

Within a few seconds you'll receive a report that analyses your
Newsletter and gives you a score (0 to 5=no problems 12-16=over
the limit for most ISPs).

If you write articles, it's worth submitting them to this test
as well, together with your Resource Box (I just sent this
article to Sp^mCheck and got a score of 4.6).

Sp^mCheck is operated by Sp^mAssassin, a filter that is widely
used by ISPs - so this is a good test of whether your Newsletter
will get through to your subscribers.
About the Author
Michael Southon has been writing for
the Internet for over 3 years. He has
shown hundreds of web masters how
to use this simple technique to get massive
free publicity and dramatically increase
traffic and sales. To find out more, please
visit: http://www.ezine-writer.com.

Why do we hate spam so much? by Linda Landry

Why do we hate spam so much?
By Linda Landry (c)

Everyone agrees that spam is BAD! We obviously hate
it because we named it SPAM. The garbage lunch meat
packed in a can and made from leftover animal parts; the
next thing to waste! Yes, I agree it is annoying to have
your electronic mail box filled with unsolicited mail. But
isn't that what the delete key is for? Once you eliminate
the unwanted item, it is as if it never existed. So why do
we get so upset? Is it because we get unnecessary mail
telling us how to grow body organs we don't have or how
to get more pleasure from sex? Or is it the pornography
we did not request and we are embarrassed that someone
may think we did? I am sure the large part of our concern
is 'catching' a virus. We can protect ourselves from this
contamination with software just as we can protect ourselves
from germs by taking precautions. We cannot totally eliminate
the possibility of becoming infected. But we have learned to
live with the reality of germs. Will we ever become accustomed
to the reality of a computer virus? We have adjusted to junk mail
in our snail mail boxes and telephone solicitors dialing our number
without permission, so why do we get so upset about spam? It has
become the number one topic and it is being labeled as abuse.
Perhaps we should just learn to use our delete key and appreciate
the availability of this free avenue of communication; before it
becomes regulated.

(Linda Landry is the Editor/Publisher of CYBERSHOPNEWS
which is a weekly free ezine. A copy can be reviewed on
her site at http://www.galleryogifts.com.
Brother site: http://www.galleryodefense.com You may contact her about this
article at cybershopnews@aol.com
Reprint permission is granted if the article is printed in it's
entirety and with this resource box.)

About the Author
Linda Landry is a new net 'marketeer' with two retail websites an a new ezine, Cybershopnews. She is a publisher dedicated to presenting quality articles and an affordable media
for you to promote your online biz opps.